Lab Format

In each chapter, you will find multiple labs, each following a similar structure with subheadings. Understanding the purpose of each subheading beforehand will help you relate to the lab activities more effectively. The lab format includes the following sections:


This section provides a brief overview of the lab's concepts and definitions. It serves as a quick introduction to get you familiarized with the lab and ready to perform the necessary actions. If you require in-depth knowledge on a specific topic, you can refer to the links provided at the end of each lab.

Technical Scenario:

This section outlines the purpose of the lab within a practical context. It explains where and how you can apply the implementation guide in real-world scenarios, encouraging you to relate the lab scenario to your own Microservice architecture with Kubernetes.


This section lists the tools, software, or any prerequisites that need to be installed or set up before starting the lab. Ensuring you have the necessary prerequisites in place beforehand will help you avoid interruptions during the lab.

For example:

  • Active Azure subscription
  • Download and Install Terraform
  • Download and Install Azure CLI


This section presents objective of tasks or steps to be implemented in the lab. It provides a comprehensive list of all the actions you will perform during the lab.

For example:

In this exercise, we will accomplish and learn how to implement the following:

  • Task-1: Define and declare variables
  • Task-2: Create an Azure service using Terraform
  • Task-3: Initialize Terraform
  • Task-4: Create a Terraform execution plan
  • Task-5: Apply a Terraform execution plan

Architecture Diagram (Optional):

This optional section provides an architecture diagram that illustrates the lab scenario. Architecture diagrams are helpful in visualizing the connections and relationships between components, making it easier to understand the overall scenario.

Implementation details

Step-by-step implementation details will be covered in this section.

login to Azure - Verify that you are logged into the correct Azure subscription before starting anything in Visual Studio Code.

# Login to Azure
az login 

# Shows current Azure subscription
az account show

# Lists all available Azure subscriptions
az account list

# Sets Azure subscription to desired subscription using ID
az account set <subscription_id>

Example of tasks:

Task-1: Define and declare variables

Task-1 implementation details goes here

Source code or commands related to Task 1 will be placed here

Task-2: Create a Azure service using Terraform

Task-2 implementation details goes here

Source code or commands related to Task 2 will be placed here


This section will cover a list of references for further reading and additional actions.

For example:



The above lab format will be consistently followed throughout the book, providing clear implementation details for each task and guiding you through the practical steps necessary to complete the labs.